Tuesday, May 15, 2012


MAY IS CHILD CARE MONTH! No my caps lock button is not stuck, I am shouting from the proverbial (all be it cyber) rooftops at the top of my lungs. This is the month to show your child care provider a little love. As a parent I sometimes reflect on how fortunate I am to have a place where my child is nurtured and encouraged when I am not able to be there myself. To hear my daughter's sing song of all her wonderful adventures at the end of the day is music to my ears. It is the tireless and often selfless professionals that dedicate themselves to the well being of our children we have to thank. How do we show such gratitude you ask?  Here are a few ideas to get you started....

Written by Michelle Davies Outreach Consultant for Child Care Options

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 17, 2012 is Proclaimed Child Care Provider Appreciation Day

The Province of B.C. (and the Queen herself) have officially proclaimed May to be Child Care Month and May 17th to be Child Care Provider Appreciation day. We like to think child care providers should be appreciated everyday but this calls for a little something extra. All regular priced items in our store are 20% off for the entire month of May and for anyone who stops by our office on May 17th we have a little token of our appreciation.