Thursday, April 29, 2010

let the children play: series: how to create an irresistible outdoor playspace for children

We all know the importance of creating a welcoming, safe environment for children to grow and explore. Much time is spent arranging and rearranging furniture and toys to keep things exciting, but often we forget the importance of a well planned outdoor space. In this day and age of technology it is easy to get wrapped up in expensive gadgets and materials. Luckily we happened across, a blog from Australia full of wonderful back to basics outdoor ideas. One of our faves is definitely this piece - Check out the  "tree cookies"-who knew we could get so excited over cookies we can't even eat.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Funding Cuts to Mobile Child Care Services

It is with heavy hearts that we tell you news of the Mobile Child Care Services closing. As our agency (along with others) prepared ourselves for the impact of budget cuts to the Ministry of Children and Family Development, we were informed that the entire portion of Surrey MCFD funding for the Mobile Child Care Services program has been discontinued.  Please see Child Care Options for more information.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Healthy Snack Ideas

Okay, we may be on a roll with the whole "health" theme but trust us when we say this is a must have for child care providers! Those in the child care profession wear many different hats - educator, nurturer and of course master chef. The National Network for Child Care has a database of child care friendly snack recipes along with other great articles and resources. Bon Appetit!

Healthy Kids

We all know the importance of less time in front of the TV and more time spent being active. The latest report card from active healthy kids canada focuses on the impact of activity levels in children 0-5 years old. Check out their article "Getting a Good Start: The Early Years Must be Active Years" and go outside and play!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Join us at the Early Years Festival

Join Child Care Options this Saturday from 11:00am -3:00pm at the Surrey Early Years Festival (located at the North Surrey Rec Centre). The theme this year is "things that go" and is aimed at families with children ages 0-6 years. Stop by our table and say hello!  Check out City of Surrey's website for more info

Happy Earth Day!

The sun is shining on us here at our Surrey location and what better way to pay homage to Mother Earth! Hopefully you are all outside enjoying the fabulous weather and counting all the ways you will be "green" today. While we are contemplating ways to move our desks outside and enjoy the sun you can check out this page from Earth Day Canada and discover all the great Earth Day activities happening this weekend around Metro Vancouver.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Child Care Options Newsletter

Child Care Options Spring/Summer Newsletter

There are many signs that Spring is upon us - the sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom and our Spring/Summer newsletter arrives at your door! Please read & pass on to your friends and co-workers.
You haven't received a copy of our fantastic newsletter? Go to and send us a message or phone the office and we will add you to our list.