Thursday, August 23, 2012

We Have Moved!

This blog will no longer be updated, but you can check us out at our new digs over on Tumblr, just click here!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Loose Parts

Sometimes I feel like I do nothing but post about outdoor play but I can't help but share this one courtesy of Let the Children Play.  I love the creativity and possibilities that loose parts bring to the outdoor playspace. It is amazing to see the journey children take when left to explore the possibilities of their own imagination.  These children took a pile of bricks and rocks and turned them into something fantastic. You can get more details on their journey here

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are You My Mother?

Oh what a beautiful day!  The sun is shining and I have exchanged my winter sweater for more fair weather gear. I still have my raincoat and wellies waiting in the wings but a girl can hope. The weather in our fair city can be unpredictable and we need to make good use of the sunshine while it is here. What better way than to move some of your daily activities outdoors and story time is a great place to start!  If you are looking for some storytime inspiration try one of our prop story kits. Visit our library catalogue for more information.

One of my favourites is Are You My Mother?

Written by Michelle Davies
Outreach Consultant for Child Care Options

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


MAY IS CHILD CARE MONTH! No my caps lock button is not stuck, I am shouting from the proverbial (all be it cyber) rooftops at the top of my lungs. This is the month to show your child care provider a little love. As a parent I sometimes reflect on how fortunate I am to have a place where my child is nurtured and encouraged when I am not able to be there myself. To hear my daughter's sing song of all her wonderful adventures at the end of the day is music to my ears. It is the tireless and often selfless professionals that dedicate themselves to the well being of our children we have to thank. How do we show such gratitude you ask?  Here are a few ideas to get you started....

Written by Michelle Davies Outreach Consultant for Child Care Options

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 17, 2012 is Proclaimed Child Care Provider Appreciation Day

The Province of B.C. (and the Queen herself) have officially proclaimed May to be Child Care Month and May 17th to be Child Care Provider Appreciation day. We like to think child care providers should be appreciated everyday but this calls for a little something extra. All regular priced items in our store are 20% off for the entire month of May and for anyone who stops by our office on May 17th we have a little token of our appreciation.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beautiful Bird Houses

This past weekend my family celebrated my youngest daughter's 5th birthday. It was an epic event (to a five year old anyway) that took over our entire household. In my zeal to find "Little Red Riding Hood" friendly activities I stumbled upon these wonderful tiny wooden bird houses. They were the hit of the party.  I put them out for the children to decorate and before I knew it they were hanging them in trees and creating little birds and people to live in them. You can find them at your local Michaels store for as little as $1.00 each!!

Michelle Davies
Outreach Consultant for Child Care Options, Early Childhood Educator and Mom!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie....

If you give a mouse a cookie... These are words that evoke shrieks of glee in our household. What started out as a bed time favourite has quickly morphed into something so much bigger. There are mouse cookies baked in the kitchen, playdough hair cuts, and many crayon renditions of a mouse familly (and the occasional one of ours).  If you are not familiar with the story you can get caught up here. There is just something magical that happens when a story grows legs and prop stories are a great way to make that happen.

 Take a look at this one from our Early Childhood Resource Library.

How fun to tell the story with the props and then set them out for the children and watch where the wonders of imagination take them.
Written by Michelle Davies

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Spring/Summer Training Calendar is Here!!


Take a look at our fantastic training opportunities at

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cloud Dough

This recipe is so simple and easy to make with the children. Mix 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil and voila cloud dough!  For more details visit Flights of Whimsy  and don't forget to visit our Pinterest site for more great ideas.